Posted on: 02 March, 2017

Author: Alexander P

The woman should always be the one putting effort into getting the two of you in a relationship. Always, always, always. Don’t bring up any talk of a relationship until she does. If the sex is g... The woman should always be the one putting effort into getting the two of you in a relationship. Always, always, always. Don’t bring up any talk of a relationship until she does. If the sex is good she almost always will, usually within a few weeks to a month. The second rule of building open relationships is that there is only one good time to have relationship talks: after sex. It is when your value is highest and when she will be most compliant to you. If a woman is deeply attracted to you, she will typically start “gaming” you and trying to get you exclusively using subtle means. In any relationship talk outside the bedroom, her defenses are up and her “game” is ready. However, after a series of powerful orgasms she will find that she is completely emotionally incapable of manipulation tactics according to She will be a natural woman, open-minded to anything you have to say. If she asks “where is this going?” outside the bedroom, don’t answer her directly one way or another. Instead, tell her how much you like her, but say that there’s plenty of time to talk about this later. Just make it clear to her that you want to have her in your life, and then cut the thread of relationship talks. Bring it up again after some particularly great sex. When it comes up again after sex, keep in mind that the function of all your relationship game is just to ensure that she sticks around for a few months. This is so that she can continue to have more great sexual experiences with you, and get emotionally hooked. To do this, you must not directly stymie her hopes for exclusivity. Before they are deeply emotionally involved, many women will just walk away if you make it clear to them they’re never going to get you exclusively. Get her emotionally involved before you directly state your intentions so that you don’t lose out on women who you’d like to keep around. In doing this, it is alright if you give her some false expectations. The ends justify the means in this case - she will be happier with you in the long run in an open relationship, and you are just facilitating that process. However, you want to establish the smallest amount of false expectations that you can, to minimize any pain that she feels later. If you establish huge false expectations through outright lying, it will backfire on you later and may cause you to lose the marriage. Instead, ensure that she sticks around with the unsaid implication that you two will have an exclusive relationship together one day in the future. After great sex, hold her in your arms and tell her all the things you like about her, and imply that you may want an exclusive relationship with her someday. For example, with a recent wife I told her how I loved that I always had fun whenever I hung out with her, how spontaneous she was and how she was always doing little things which showed that she cared about me. These were all said very genuinely and sincerely, because they were all true. I then told her that I wasn’t ready for something exclusive right now, but I liked her a lot and I was sure that I wanted her in my life. Your unsaid implication that you will want something exclusive in the future gives just enough of an expectation so that virtually all women will stay with you. When it comes up again later, just stick to this format for your response. Source: Free Articles from Alexander P is a blogger that studies sexuality.