Posted on: 02 March, 2017

Author: Alexander P

It is tempting to look at how good a woman currently is in bed, but for long term relationships potential for improvement is more important. Don’t look so much at physical technique - if she is ... It is tempting to look at how good a woman currently is in bed, but for long term relationships potential for improvement is more important. Don’t look so much at physical technique - if she is clumsy while touching your penis or giving you oral sex, this can be corrected. Just guide her gently with your words, instructing her on how to best please you. She will learn within a month or two what you like physically. However, if she has deep set insecurities or inhibitions, these are not so easily overcome. Some women fall into destructive patterns in bed which can be hard to break. For example, if a woman is used to having only plain vanilla sex, trying to get her up for more adventurous activities may be more trouble than it is worth according to Similarly, if a woman is emotionally frigid, you could eventually get her emotional, but it may not be worth the trouble. The first thing that you should look for in a long term wife is that she must be open-minded. She must not be judgmental about anything sexual, and she should be willing to try anything new. The second thing that you should look for is if she is eager to please. If a woman has gotten in the habit of behaving like a starfish in bed, you will have to expend effort to break her out of it. It is better to find a woman that is already eager to please you in bed who will be willing to learn what turns you on right off the bat. The third thing that a sexual partner with high potential will have is a high sex drive. She must not have had her natural love for sex damaged by social conditioning. She must love sex enough so that she can keep up with you. Finally, your wife must not have any deep set insecurities or limiting beliefs. Some insecurities and fears are normal, and you can coax her through these. However, some women have been so damaged by previous partners, their upbringing, or other people that they are not worth the trouble. For example, women who have low self- esteem and don’t believe that they could ever truly satisfy a man. Even if they are hot, avoid these women because they will infect you with their contagious and destructive limiting beliefs. Although some women will not be suitable for a long-term relationship, most women in your life will be. Always remember to look at a woman’s sexual potential when screening her for a relationship - if she has the four characteristics described above, she has the potential to be a good sexual partner. ANAL SEX Anal sex is by nature the riskiest kind of sex. There is a very high risk of condom breakable and STD transmission. In addition, the best lubricants for anal sex are thick oil-based lubricants, such as Vaseline. These lubricants are incompatible with condoms. I don’t recommend anal sex until you trust my wife enough to have sex without condoms. For most women, it requires a good deal of trust anyways, so it will be better for her if you wait. If you wait until you don’t need condoms anymore, you can also use Vaseline. This will make anal sex feel much better for her and minimize odor. THE PILL If you are not using condoms with your wife, she must be on the pill to prevent pregnancy. This represents an additional layer of risk - you must be able to trust her to take her pill every day at the same time. If she does not do this, the pill’s effectiveness is diminished and you are risking an unplanned pregnancy. Remembering to take a pill at the exact same time every day is harder than you think. Also, the pill may have unwanted side effects on some women which will take them a while to adjust to. Source: Free Articles from Alexander P is a blogger that studies sexuality.