Posted on: 27 March, 2007

Author: Rod Cortez

I met Jessica, a 24 year old law student who modeled lingerie to help defray the costs of her education, a few months ago in a nice lounge.  I was there with a couple friends of mine, enjoying a nice ... I met Jessica, a 24 year old law student who modeled lingerie to help defray the costs of her education, a few months ago in a nice lounge.  I was there with a couple friends of mine, enjoying a nice bottle of Merlot.  One of the things that a Date Pro has is the ability to be aware of his environment, even if his focus is somewhere else.  In this case I was focused on conversation with my friends.  Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a man walk up to a very attractive young lady at the bar, offering to buy her a drink.  She wasn't interested so she thanked him for the offer and continued munching on what appeared to be an appetizer.  This man wouldn't take "no" for an answering and started giving her a hard time.  I could tell from her body language that she was ready to do something drastic such as ask for security or start yelling at him.  Here's a pointer for you:  one of the best ways to meet a woman is to rescue her from a man or group of men that she has zero interest in.  It was my cue to leave my friends for a moment and see if I could do my good deed for the evening.  So I walked toward her and the persistent man that would not leave her alone. "Excuse me honey," I said innocently, making sure that I made eye contact with her so she knew exactly what I was trying to do.  "I'm so sorry I didn't see when I walked in here, I ran into Ken and Ronald and ended up chatting with them.  When they saw me they were like 'Hey Rod! Over here!'  Since I didn't see you I hung out with them for a while." You'll notice that I found a way to include my name in my initial approach so she would know my name. A couple of seconds passed and those two seconds felt like an hour as I wasn't sure if she would play along.  Most women usually do because they pick up on subtle clues, cues, and hints far better than men do.  This was one of those times.  "I was wondering where you were Rod honey," she said, trying her hardest not to laugh.  "Oh," started the man who was bothering her, "If you were expecting someone why didn't you say anything?" I didn't want his badgering to continue so I simply looked at him, then looked at her, then looked at him and said, "Hey buddy, if you don't mind, I'd like to spend a moment alone with my fiancee." He knew that he had lost.  "Oh man, sorry.  Later."  And off he went. As he was making his way out of our little circle, I leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Ok, once he's out of sight, I'm going back to my friends.  By the way, my name really IS Rod."  Then I grabbed a stool, gave her a wink, and she leaned into my direction and whispered, "Thank you."  Sometimes the damsel in distress that you saved appreciates what you did and prefers that you be on your way, but sometimes they don't want you to leave.  "My name is Jessica," she continued, "Do you really have to leave?  Why don't you hang out for a bit?" "So Rod, what is it that you do?", Jessica asked with a sincerity not usually found in these kind of places.  Normally I don't like telling women what I do for a living until after a few dates, but it's only a guideline, not some rule written in stone.  I like to go with my gut most of the time, since that is a sign that a person's game has evolved.  Jessica was beautiful and she had this very innocent, cute face that made me want to protect her, this was evolutionary psychology and biology at work.  One has to keep that under control at all times during an initial meeting with a stranger. "Let's just say that I help men figure out what they really want out of life," I said with a grin on my face.  She accepted that for the time being and we began talking about that.  Eventually I asked her what she thought a healthy, attractive, mature woman wants in a man.  "Leave out the stuff about 'I like to laugh' or a 'man who knows how to treat a lady' type stuff.  I'm looking for specifics." "Well," Jessica started, "You observed one thing we don't like and that is to keep trying to pick up on us after we've made it clear we're not interested.  Sometimes I want to go out and not want to meet new people.  Sometimes I just want a drink.  I hate it when a man is too pushy." "Please continue, this is fascinating," I remarked. "I have a part-time job that pays really well, so I don't need a man to help me out financially in any way," Jessica continued on with a look of serious passion in her face.  "You know what I think most 'healthy' women want?  They want a man who can take care of himself.  He might even be broke today but if he has a career or is in school or started a new business, a woman can see that he has ambition and potential.  I think a lot of women look more into the future than men do.  A man should be financially stable.  That doesn't mean he has to be rich, he should be good with his money and not spend it on frivolous things." "You mean like a Coach hand bag, Mac make up, or Jimmy Choo shoes right?" I interjected with a teasing tone to my voice.  Jessica giggled. "Something like that, silly," I could tell Jessica was a fun gal.  "I know one thing I like is when my man plans out a whole evening for both us.  I like it when he plans ahead. I have a friend named Monica who was dating this really unattractive man, but she didn't care.  If you can make her laugh she is all yours.  Tell your clients that if a woman is laughing at his jokes then she likes him." "So," I chimed in, "What you're really looking for is a confident man who has a plan for his life, has potential, a sense of humor, financially stable, and knows how to make a woman feel sexy and good, right?" "Absolutely!" Jessica exclaimed. Source: Free Articles from Rod Cortez has been teaching men how to have more dating success since 2003.  Since then he has approached over thousands of women and has gone on more than one hundred dates, despite having a busy schedule.  You can learn more by going to: