Posted on: 21 October, 2016

Author: chu kem

You meet a cute girl, but the problem is that she’s too shy! You have no idea whether she likes you or if she just wants to be left alone. Not every girl is going to be outgoing. Many of them are going to be introverted, shy, and will not know what to do when asked out sometimes. If you fall for one, you are going to have to make the first move, you’ll have to show them you’re safe, and this is going to be a lot harder than other options. If you are serious about learning how to attract shy girls, then you need to focus on slowing down your push forward. These girls aren’t going to give you the time of day at first, so you’ll need to focus on breaking their shell, so take these tips to heart. Find Out What They Like Before you can ever even ask a shy girl out, you need to know what they like. You need to learn about books, movies, and other things that they are passionate about. Sometimes you are going to have to just involve yourself in interests that are specifically their own. If you can do that, you will have an opening to talk to them with. For instance, many enjoy young adult novels, which means you may have to read one, or two. If not, then you’ll need to show interest and perhaps ask them what they recommend. Then get them talking. If you can do that, they’ll start to open a little. Keep an open mind when figuring out how to attract shy girls. Make A Point To Ask Bigger Questions When you’re approaching the topic of how to attract shy girls, you need to look at asking questions. You have to speak to girls of this nature with open ended questions. Don’t just ask how their day was. Ask something about them, compliment them, and get them to open up. People think that this is hard, but it’s not. Most shy people will open up if you ask them a string of questions and try to get to know them. They’ll catch on eventually, and you’ll be in the zone in no time learning how to attract shy girls. Go To Places Where Shy Girls Are What are people that are shy into? Chances are you’ll find out if you investigate a little. Your city has a lot of different areas where people of this nature congregate. Sometimes it’s as simple as a comic book store, sometimes it’s a library, sometimes it’s college campuses, you have to find them. If you do a little digging, you will no doubt eventually find them and will be able to attract them with relative ease. Article Tags: Sometimes It’s Source: Free Articles from For more guides on attracting women, visit the Art of Seducing Women